Home US Dollar dips as inflation data aligns with predictions

US Dollar dips as inflation data aligns with predictions

The US dollar decreased slightly following confirmation of economists’ predictions on January’s inflation data. As the Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) price index, the Federal Reserve‘s primary inflation measure, displayed a 0.3% increase, the dollar recorded a slight slip, symbolizing the perceived influence of inflation rates on currency strength.

Simultaneously, other notable shifts were seen in the Forex market. The euro slightly rose, the yen saw daily growth of about 0.6%, and the Australian dollar improved due to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s positive economic outlook. Conversely, the Swiss franc slightly weakened, and the Canadian dollar, correspondingly, slipped with a dip in crude oil prices.

The global foreign exchange market is persistently fluctuating due to various factors such as economic forecasts, geopolitical tensions, and central banks’ monetary policies. Amid this, other currencies are also experiencing significant changes. Of note, the yen has depreciated over 2% against the euro over the month, hitting nine-year lows against the Australian and New Zealand dollars.

The US dollar drop may be resulting from other economy’s near-zero interest rates

Economists believe the drop in the US dollar results from Japan’s central bank policies that aim to revive the stagnated economy by maintaining near-zero interest rates. The Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (OCBC) currency strategist, Christopher Wong, suggested that unwinding yen shorts might drive bears to retreat, leading to a more bullish market sentiment.

Simultaneously, minor fluctuations were seen in the global currency market during February, with the euro and the sterling showing stability. In contrast, the Australian and New Zealand currencies experienced a downward trend, indicating a ceiling on interest rates in these southern hemisphere nations.

This report also highlighted losses for the New Zealand dollar following steady rates set by domestic central banks. The Australian dollar showed a slight increase, contrasting with a monthly drop of 0.8%, embodying investors’ cautious assessment of fiscal policies. British Pound Sterling noted a minor slump due to the Bank of England’s decision to keep interest rates steady, undermining investor confidence. The Euro gained 0.3%, hinting at the expected launch of the European Central Bank’s quantitative easing program, while the yen remained unchanged at 105.05 per US dollar.

Such shifts underline the unpredictability characterizing the global financial landscape as foreign exchange rates continue to fluctuate.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay; Pexels

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Deanna Ritchie
Lead Editor

Deanna is an editor at ReadWrite. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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